Ghost Shells in Destiny 2 play a unique role. They are one of the few ways players interact with the world without shooting and that makes them one of the most seen cosmetics by players. Ghost Shells also have randomized modifications that give players small performance buffs. The randomized roles mean that a player might not use the shell they like the look of at all because of a bad mod roll. With the upcoming Beyond Light expansion, Bungie is taking a crack at fixing this issue.

According to Bungie’s latest blog post, starting with Beyond Light, your Ghost Shell will:

  • Have upgradeable energy levels and mod slots with various energy costs instead of coming with specific perks.
  • By default, come with three mods installed with different ones obtainable in various in-game activities.
  • Have three mod slots unlocked by default, and a fourth that can be unlocked by fully upgrading, or Masterworking, the Ghost Shell.

It’s worth noting that Ghost Shell mods will not be available at the Eververse shop which is the in-game microtransaction vendor. The Mods used in the new slots will be a combination of the perks available on current Ghost Shells and some new perks that better fit the Beyond Light content. These mods will also be sorted into one of four categories that match one of the new slots. The new categories are Experience, Tracking, Economic, and Activity. The Activity slot will be the one that unlocks with Masterworking.

An aspect of the Ghost Shell mods not mentioned in the post but shown in screenshots is the possibility of some or all of them being temporary. Part of the item description for the two mods says “This mod is fragile and will expire at the end of Season 15”. Both mods shown in the screens are related to seasonal rewards and events so it’s possible that the majority of mods won’t come with an expiration date. Since it’s never mentioned, it’s tough to know for sure though.

Pretty soon we can all stop using the same five Ghost Shells.