Last Wish is a raid in Destiny 2 that was released as a part of the Forsaken expansion. In this raid, players venture into the depths of the Dreaming City to slay Riven, the last known Ahamkara. Before the first encounter, players can find a hidden room containing the Wall of Wishes, which can both grant loot and activate certain challenges.

Finding the Wall of Wishes

To access the Wall of Wishes, start from the circular platform that lies directly after the crystalline jump section.

On this platform, there is an obvious path to the right, which leads to the Kalli, the Corrupted encounter. To the left, there is a subtle path bathed in light. Follow this path forward until you reach a cavernous room filled with dark water. If you look closely, there is a glowing ledge across the water. This is where we’re headed. From here, jump onto the platform to your right. Jump around the rock wall to your right, and land on the glowing ledge.

If you look up, there is a glowing ledge up above. Jump onto this ledge, making sure to land on the right edge, as the left edge is tricky to clamber onto. Crouch, and follow this green path around the rock face. At the end of the path, there is a glowing rock platform above. Jump to this platform. If you’re having trouble making it up to the glowing ledge, there is a subtle rocky platform you can stand on to make the jump easier. Crouch once more and follow the path until you reach a canyon.

Across the canyon, there is an illuminated cliff ledge. Jump to this ledge, then keep walking forward, and now you have reached the Wall of Wishes.

All Wishes on the Wall of Wishes

To recreate these images, players must shoot the individual plates on the Wall of Wishes and cycle through the symbols. When the player has recreated the pattern, they must stand on the glowing circle in the middle of the room to activate the wish. If the wish is activated successfully, the wall will emit a brief white glow.

First Wish: A wish to feed an addiction.

This wish gives the player an Ethereal Key, which can be used to open an additional chest at the end of the raid.

Second Wish: A wish for material validation.

This wish spawns a secret chest between the Morgeth, the Spirekeeper encounter and the Vault encounter. This secret chest is opened with a Glittering Key, which is a random drop from the chests at the end of the raid.

Third Wish: A wish for others to celebrate your success.

This wish grants the player the Numbers of Power emblem, as pictured below.

Fourth Wish: A wish to look athletic and elegant.

This wish will kill the entire fireteam and warp them to the Shuro Chi, The Corrupted encounter.

Fifth Wish: A wish for a promising future.

This wish will kill the entire fireteam and warp them to the Morgeth, the Spirekeeper encounter.

Sixth Wish: A wish to move the hands of time.

This wish will kill the entire fireteam and warp them to the Vault encounter.

Seventh Wish: A wish to help a friend in need.

This wish will kill the entire fireteam and warp them to the Riven of a Thousand Voices encounter.

Eighth Wish: A wish to stay here forever.

This wish will play the song “Hope for the Future” by Paul McCartney, which also plays during the Destiny end credits.

Ninth Wish: A wish to stay here forever.

This wish causes the character Failsafe to speak at certain points of the Last Wish raid.

Tenth Wish: A wish to stay here forever.

This wish causes the character Drifter to speak at certain points of the Last Wish raid.

Eleventh Wish: A wish to stay here forever.

This wish causes enemies’ heads to explode in a burst of confetti when players kill them with headshots. The wish also changes the sound effect of each headshot kill.

Twelfth Wish: A wish to open your mind to new ideas.

This wish causes a random effect to appear around each player’s head.

Thirteenth Wish: A wish for the means to feed an addiction.

This wish is often used for the Petra’s Run triumph, as when one player dies, the fireteam is kicked from the raid and their progress is wiped. It is used to certify a flawless run.

Fourteenth Wish: A wish for love and support.

This wish will spawn Corrupted Eggs throughout the raid, which can be destroyed using the Wish Ender exotic bow. Destroying all of these spawned eggs will grant the player the Harbinger’s Echo exotic sparrow.

Fifteenth Wish: Unknown

The fifteenth wish has been a highly discussed topic ever since the Last Wish raid first released. No player is certain what the fifteenth wish is, although lore entries hint toward its existence.

For more Destiny 2 guides, check out Best Raid Builds for Destiny 2 Vow of the Disciple on Pro Game Guides.