Recent cancellations of previously announced exclusives have started to cause some angst for Xbox One owners, wondering what’s on the horizon for the console.  It looks like Microsoft will have plenty to announce at E3 2017, and Xbox boss Phil Spencer is already liking what he’s seeing.

Fielding fan questions about the Xbox One’s E3 2017 games lineup via Twitter, Spencer says his most recent review of the E3 games, “I like the lineup.”

Phil hasn’t dropped many hints on what to expect, but it’s a given that we’ll be getting plenty of Scorpio news.   Other than that, Microsoft could announce just about anything, though recent years have seen a committment to the core franchises like Halo, Gears of War, and Forza.  They’ve also taken some risks since the 2013 release of the console with titles like Recore and Sunset Overdrive.

Will Microsoft introduce a new franchise at E3?  Or will they take the timed exclusivity route like they did with Rise of the Tomb Raider?  It’s hard to tell, but Spencer must be confident in what they’ll show.

Many were excited for Platinum Games’ Scalebound, but it was cancelled recently.  The rest of 2017 currently holds only a handful of exclusive titles to look forward to with Halo Wars 2 arriving in February, Sea of Thieves, and Cuphead.  Many assume that Forza 7 will also arrive this year.  There’s been some speculation that a new Halo title will be ready to show this year, but those have just been rumors up to this point.

Microsoft’s E3 Press Conference should take place on June 12th.  I guess we’ll see then what Spencer is liking about the E3 2017 games lineup for Xbox One and Xbox Scorpio.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Despite Recent Xbox One Exclusive Cancellations Phil Spencer Confident for E3 Showing

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