Dwarves have always been the gruff but stubby bunch when it comes to fantasy lore. Where their brawn and ingenuity excel, their height and stature rebel, hardly reaching above the size of 5 feet or taller. However, according to a recent Reddit post, the true height of a dwarf’s in Deep Rock Galactic has been revealed to be ‘underwhelmingly’ less.

A Redditor by the name of zebogo has determined the size of our well-bearded miners to be roughly two feet tall. They’ve calculated this by using the 40mm Portable Grenade Launcher (aka the Deepcore PGL), a secondary weapon of the Engineer’s class. If accurate to its name, the Deepcore PGL’s barrel should have a diameter of 40 millimeters. Using the gun’s barrel as a measuring tool, we can see that a DRG dwarf stands at around 15 PGL barrels tall. Some ‘quick maths’ will return a result of approximately 620 mm or two feet, meaning our space dwarves are comparable in size to that of a small gnome. In other words, the sturdy miners are knee-high in height, and a Glyphid Dreadnaught is the size of a medium dog.

On the flip side, a recent Reddit post by SheepHerdr has formulated their own speculations on the estimated height of Deep Rock Galactic‘s crew members using the Laser Pointer. When aimed at a solid surface, the Laser Pointer will reveal the light beam’s distance from the player. SheepHerdr used this knowledge to measure a dwarf’s size based on the height of a random cliff.

According to the Laser Pointer in the screenshot, the ceiling is 17.3 meters away from the dwarf. The cliff is 7.9 meters high. These proportions come from the measurements taken from the top and bottom of the cliff. Using a photo editor to “stack” the dwarves on top of one another, we can deduce that the ridge is roughly 4.75 dwarves tall. In conclusion, a dwarf’s height in Deep Rock Galactic is about 1.65 meters (5.4 feet), give or take a few centimeters.

Of course, both of these calculations are not entirely accurate but do showcase some interesting yet “less reliable” characteristics about a Deep Rock Galactic dwarf’s height. Our spunky bearded friends are always complaining about Deep Rock needing to “invest in better equipment,” which may disprove the findings of the Reddit “Laser Pointer theory.” After all, the dwarves are set to be 1.5 m tall in the Unreal Engine according to the game’s wiki.