This year has proven to be difficult when it comes to game development. The pandemic has impacted working conditions for video game developers leading to several game delays. Developer Arkane Studios originally planned to release their upcoming title Deathloop on May 14, 2021. The game will now release on September 14, 2021. Game director Dinga Bakaba announced the delay in a video and press release via Twitter.

Bakaba justified the delay by stating: “At Arkane we have a strong vision for Deathloop and we don’t want to compromise on that. But we also need to do everything we can to ensure the health and safety of everyone in the studio.” Art director Sebastien Mitten then revealed what the studio would do with the extra time: “We will be using this extra time to complete our goal of creating a fun, stylish, and mind-bending player experience.” The video then ends with both developers thanking the fans for their support of the game.

This now marks the third time Arkane Studios has scheduled a launch window or release date for Deathloop. Arkane announced the game at E3 2019. In 2020, they revealed its status as a console exclusive for the PlayStation 5 for one year when it launched later that year. It was then delayed from 2020 until May 21, 2021 before it was delayed again until September. The pandemic has made it harder for developers to create games especially one as ambitious as Deathloop.