After many leaks and rumors throughout the week, we finally have an official release date for Death Stranding. Just as the leaks suggested, the game will release exclusively for PS4 November 8th, 2019. This was revealed via a live stream event on Twitch hosted by PlayStation’s official account. You can see the full release date trailer for Death Stranding down below (and yes, the game is still very confusing):

The Twitch live stream showed this trailer on a loop for the past few hours but it was all muddled by multiple ink handprints covering up the screen. Over time, these handprints dissipated and we were left with the trailer shown above.

Just like every other piece of footage to accompany Death Stranding, the release date trailer left us with a ton of questions heading into this November. Its narrative is just shrouded in mystery. What exactly are these monsters? How does the “Bridge Baby” in the pod help Sam see these monsters? What kind of role does Mads Mikkelsen’s Cliff play? We still don’t know exactly and that’s a reason why gamers have been so attached to this project since its announcement at E3 2016.

We got glimpses of what our story would look like along with what we could expect in terms of gameplay. We are going to be able to travel across an open world with tons of equipment at our disposal, ride a motorcycle to evade combat, and fight off enemies with guns (and apparently briefcases too).

A November 2019 release date for Death Stranding doesn’t leave a lot of room for The Last of Us 2, which has been rumored to have a surprise late 2019 release. Kotaku’s Jason Schreier stated that The Last of Us 2 was planned for a Fall 2019 release date but has since been pushed back to early 2020:

Looks like Death Stranding is about to get announced for a November release. The Last of Us 2 was also planned for fall 2019 but I actually just heard it got bumped to early 2020, possibly February? Either way, wild final year for PS4

— Jason Schreier (@jasonschreier) May 29, 2019