It’s possible to get Sam to tie up his hair whenever you want to in Death Stranding, but it’s not immediately possible. We tried everything from showering to not showering to pulling off emotes in the sink: nothing seemed to work. That is, until we figured out what prevented Sam from tying up his hair into a ponytail in the first place. In this guide, we’re going to cover just how to do that.

How to Get Sam to Tie up His Hair in Death Stranding

Though many may prefer Sam’s rugged long-haired charm, others might prefer Sam to go for a cleaner look and tie his hair up for the long journey ahead. Fortunately, it’s possible to force Sam to have either hairstyle on your journey, and we’re going to walk you through it now.

Spoiler Alert - contains spoilers for the prologue and episode one of Death Stranding

Once you reach Capital Knot City and Sam agrees to take on his assignment from Bridges, he’ll tie his hair up into a ponytail. From this point forward, you can force Sam to adopt this hairstyle whenever you want. It’s not immediately obvious how, but there is a trick to it: take off your hat and glasses.

That’s right, for some reason Sam can’t wear a cap or sunglasses and have his hair up at the same time. To take either of them off, press and hold up on the dpad and use R to highlight your glasses or hat. Press X to take it off then repeat the process to take off the other item of headwear.

As soon as that’s done, Sam will have tied his hair up into a ponytail. Simply pop the hat or the sunglasses back on to go back to his rough and ready appearance.