Paper Lanterns are environmental objects in Dead By Daylight that Survivors and Killers will encounter in matches during the Moonlight Burrow Event. Those familiar with Chinese traditions and other cultures in Asia will recognize these Paper Lanterns as a common symbol for letting go of the past and welcoming the new as a means to commemorate the Lunar New Year. Of course, the lanterns in the Trials do not have such a deep meaning but instead serve as interactive items that players can use to receive a temporary buff to their character, enhancing their escape or the hunt for their prey.

How Do Paper Lanterns Work in Dead By Daylight

Moonlight Burrow’s Paper Lanterns in Dead By Daylight are typically hidden in corners, alcoves, and small nooks that can often be tricky to see. Nevertheless, players can know they are near a Paper Lantern if they hear a pulsing, ringing noise, like the inside of a clean, empty vent. 

How To Use Red Envelope In DBD Moonlight Burrow Event

When interacting with a Paper Lantern during the Moonlight Burrow Event of Dead By Daylight, the player character will squat down to “Receive Favor” from the lantern. Once the animation completes, the individual who used the lantern will receive a Haste-like buff, enabling the player to run faster for a brief duration. According to YouTuber DStrike, Survivors will also receive a Vault Boost that lets them slide across surfaces when vaulting instead of sluggishly climbing across.

It is important to note that both Dead By Daylight Survivors and Killers can interact with Paper Lanterns to receive their movement speed buff. When active players will be able to quickly catch up to their target prey or more swiftly flee their pursuers. However, keep in mind that once a Paper Lantern has bestowed its Favor, it will be consumed and will not respawn for the duration of the Trial. Therefore, players must make sure they activate the lantern’s buff during an intense or opportune moment. If the lantern’s effect was wasted while exploring, players might have lost their chance to escape or catch their opponents. Therefore, Paper Lanterns should be used sparingly yet strategically.

Dead By Daylight is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox One X|S, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, Android, and iOS. 

Source: YouTube/DStrike