You might remember that the DayZ development team has promised that the game would be coming later this year on Xbox One thanks to the Game Preview program the console’s had for a couple years now.

Anyway, we didn’t receive any particular announcement about the way the title would be working on Xbox One in terms of settings, especially frame rate and graphics on all the different Xbox platforms out there.

With a tweet issued in response to a question of a fan, the development team at DayZ explained that the game would be featuring several improvements on Xbox One X in comparison with the standard version of the console.

While the game is still being worked on, the developer plans on reaching around 60 frames per second once the title releases on Xbox One X with 1080p resolution. On the contrary, 4K with 30FPS have already been achieved.

It’s all work in progress, but we’re already peaking at 50-60 FPS in 1080p on Xbox One X and we plan to support [email protected] FPS. We’ll see where we end up though!

— DayZ Development (@dayzdevteam) March 21, 2018

Things are still pretty loose now, so we don’t really know whether the team would allow us to select our favorite mode among two, one with 1080p/60FPS and the other with 4K60 graphics.

That’s something we’ll most probably learn more about in the coming months, as we approach DayZ Xbox One version’s release.