DayZ has launched update 1.13 on its experimental server, so here’s everything that’s been changed and added with this patch! As this is over on the experimental server, these changes are being made to garner player feedback so that the team can determine if it should come to the live servers. With that being said, if you plan to test out this update, be sure to let the team know what you think of the changes. While there isn’t much to go over today, it’s still worthwhile. Without further adieu, here’s everything that’s been changed with DayZ experimental update 1.13!

DayZ Experimental Update 1.13 Patch Notes

  • Reduced maximum attack range of infected by 20%
  • Adjusted attack ranges for various infected attacks

Like said, there really isn’t much to go over with DayZ experimental update 1.13. This update mainly focuses on tweaking attack ranges of the infected, letting players deal with them just a tad easier. This was clearly a major point of contention in the community, hence its change. Still, if players feel this is either too much or too little, the DayZ team will likely tweak the numbers accordingly. Be sure to hop on social media and let them know what you think!

As far as initial impressions go, it seems the community is divided on the recent changes. Some feel that the attack ranges are still much too far, while others feel they’re in a good spot right now. It just depends on who you ask. Given how much 20% can feel in games though, it can make sense if the change isn’t the most noticeable by some.

DayZ and its experimental update 1.13 are available on PC, while the game itself is available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as well. If you fancy games on Game Pass, console users can take advantage of that as well. If you’d like more information regarding this update, check out the official patch notes.